TESS in the Community
Our programs suit people from all walks of life but have a particular passion for helping people in the community who are experiencing difficulties in accessing employment, training and educational opportunities.
We have a wide range of programs that are open to everyone, and depending on your circumstances we may also be able to help you with funding for your training too.

Passionate about supporting our community
At TESS, our focus has always been on supporting our community in every way that we can.
We do this at an individual level by offering a wide range of programs and projects to assist those people in the community who may be experiencing some difficulty in accessing employment, training and educational opportunities. We offer people of our community the opportunity to improve their employability through enterprise activities, projects and training programs.
At a broader level we work with our local business community including business, unions, local government bodies, education and training institutions and youth organisations and get their involvement and engagement in local projects and activities.
Click here to use our online application form and start your journey with TESS.